Make an Impact

You Can Make an Impact!

Messiah is a church of compassion and community outreach, supporting local, national, and global missions. From serving at the local food shelf to traveling to developing countries, we serve through mission – and there is a place for you to get involved!

Messiah Church is committed to supporting several organizations consistently and long-term - these are our Community Partners. In fact, even on your first visit to Messiah, you can make an impact because we will make a donation on your behalf to one of these organizations. We also have two Covenant Mission Partners - organizations that have grown out of Messiah Church, and with which we have ongoing covenants to support with our prayers, presence, and financial giving. And each month we collect a special Second Mile Offering to support a specific organization through financial and in-kind donations. Learn more about each of these below.

Second Mile Offering: Minnesota FoodShare

March is Minnesota FoodShare month, and our Second Mile Offering supports this drive with funds and food essentials. The Minnesota FoodShare campaign envisions a future where all Minnesotans have access to healthy food and no one struggles with food insecurity. It brings the community together to help stock nearly 300 food shelves statewide. Your offering and donations specifically support the local food shelves at Interfaith Outreach and ICA.

You can support our local food shelves through the end of March with a monetary donation, donating food & other essential items, and/or volunteering:
  • Give! Give online by selecting “Second Mile Offering,” or by mailing a check (indicate “MN FoodShare” in the memo) to: Messiah Church, 17805 County Road 6, Plymouth, MN 55447. For every $1 donated, food shelves can source $9 worth of food through partnerships in the community.
  • Donate! We are collecting these specific items that are in high demand at the food shelves: cooking oil, peanut butter, jelly, canned meat, canned fruit, baby formula, bottled water, feminine hygiene products (especially pads), and small packages of toilet paper and paper towels. The KID Street kids are also collecting boxes of cereal. Can you help them reach their goal? Last year they collected 253 boxes - and their goal is to beat that! All donations will be collected through Sunday, March 30 and can be dropped off in the marked location in the atrium at Messiah on Sundays or during church office hours (Monday-Thursday 9 am–5 pm).
  • Volunteer! Volunteering at one of the food shelves is also a great way to contribute! For more information on the Interfaith Outreach food shelf, visit For more information on the ICA food shelf, visit

Thank you for helping to fight hunger in our community!

Current Opportunities & Needs

Cocoa Cafe

You are invited to a morning filled with toasty beverages, gooey s'mores and great friendship – all in support of the Minnesota FoodShare campaign. Ashley and Emily, two of Messiah's youth, invite you to their front yard (12515 25th Avenue N, Plymouth) on Saturday, March 22 from 9 am-12 pm for their 8th annual Cocoa Cafe. Each year the sisters offer hot cocoa and sweet treats, then donate 100% of the freewill donations they receive to the ICA and Interfaith Outreach food shelves. Last year they raised over $9,600! Can’t make it to this event, but still want to give? Send donations via Venmo to @Miranda-Spence-2. Your gift is helping our community! 

Homemade Soup Fundraising Dinner

You are invited to an evening of three different homemade soups (including one vegetarian), homemade bread, cookies, and good company! Jeff and Leslee Jaeger invite you to their home (13015 44th Ave North, Plymouth) on Saturday, March 29 at 7 pm for a fundraising event to support Second Harvest Heartland and Food Rescue US. Monetary donations to either organization are welcome. Please click here to RSVP by Friday, March 28.

Twin Sheets & Children's Books for Re-Member

Messiah is sending a team to serve at Re-Member on the Pine Ridge Reservation and one of the projects they will work on is building bunk beds and delivering them to families. Twin sheets and children's story books are also given with each bed. If you would like to support this project, we are collecting new twin sheets and new or gently used children's books. All donations will be collected through Sunday, April 20 and can be dropped off in the marked bin in the atrium at Messiah on Sundays or during church office hours (Monday-Thursday 9 am–5 pm). These items will be delivered to Re-Member when the team goes at the end of April.

Re-Member is a nonprofit organization that works with the Oglala Lakota Nation on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. They work to improve the quality of life for those who live there, and provide meaningful opportunities to serve and learn for those who volunteer. For more information on Re-Member, visit

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Make a difference in the lives of others by giving blood. Please consider donating blood at the American Red Cross blood drive on Wednesday, April 30 from 12-6 pm in Heritage Hall. Visit and enter “MessiahPlym” to schedule an appointment or click here. Save the date for these upcoming blood drives at Messiah: Tuesday, May 20; Tuesday, July 8; Monday, August 11; and Monday, October 6.

Did you know that you can give one super-powered blood donation that may have the same impact as two regular donations? This is called a Power Red donation. Click here for more information on being a Power Red donor.

Youth Summer Mission Trips

Each summer, Messiah Youth (and adult leaders) have two opportunities to spend a week together serving others:

Youth in grades 7-12 will be serving at STORM Camp Prior Lake (Service To Others in Relational Ministry) July 13-17. We do two things at STORM Camp: work and worship. Projects include things like painting, yard work, minor construction, and demolition jobs - but we also work to grow in relationships with those we're serving and those we're serving alongside. STORM Camp is a great experience for youth who want to work hard, serve with a small group, make a few friends, and get to know the people you're serving. Click here for more info and to register.

Youth in grades 9-12 are headed to Benton Harbor, MI, for a YouthWorks Mission Trip, July 26- August 2. While in Benton Harbor, we'll partner with local organizations that serve the underserved in their community. On the way to Benton Harbor, we'll cabin camp at the Warren Dunes State Park on Lake Michigan, and on the way home, we'll spend a day exploring Chicago. The YouthWorks Mission Trip is a great experience for youth who are interested in learning more about what they can do to serve the underserved and contribute to the greater good. Click here for more info and to register.

Registration is now open for both of these mission opportunities — for students and adult leaders. For questions or more information about these trips, contact Sami Tierney, Director of Youth and Family Ministry, at or (763) 473-6968 ext. 116.

Homegrown Produce

Are you planning a home garden or participating in a CSA or community garden this summer? As you plan and plant your garden, please consider sowing an extra row or two for our local food shelves - Totes for Hope, Interfaith Outreach, and ICA.

The food shelves love fresh fruits & veggies! Homegrown produce is an incredible joy to the families who utilize these resources - it flies off the shelf as fast as it's stocked. When you are ready to share your harvest, all sorts of fruits, veggies, and herbs are welcome!

Totes for Hope is a food shelf ministry of Messiah Church to help minimize food insecurity for Bloom families, located right here at Messiah. This self-select food shelf is available throughout the week, all year long, allowing families to take what food they need, when they need it. Totes for Hope is fully funded by donations.

Interfaith Outreach and ICA food shelves are valuable resources to local families. These organizations are committed to providing a wide variety of healthy, nutritious food to our neighbors.

BYOCT (Bring Your Own Coffee Tumbler)

Every Sunday morning, we generate A LOT of trash with coffee cups during coffee hour after worship. In an effort to reduce our trash and spend less money on disposable cups, we invite you to bring your own coffee tumbler on Sunday mornings. Please be sure your tumbler is labeled with your name, and we’d prefer if it has a lid to prevent spills. Then wash out your tumbler at home & bring it back again next week! Don’t worry, we still have paper cups for guests and regulars who forget. What a difference we could all make in caring for our creation with this small act! 

Recycled Eyeglasses Can Give New Life

Did you get a new pair of eyeglasses? Great! You can donate your gently used ones to the Lions Club of Wayzata! They are known throughout the world for their work to improve the lives of the visually impaired and to help prevent future blindness. Over one billion people worldwide live with a vision impairment that can be prevented or corrected. When you donate used prescription glasses (including sunglasses) to the Lions Club of Wayzata, you will be making a difference in the lives of many! Glasses and eyeglass case donations can be dropped off in the marked bucket in the atrium at Messiah on Sundays or during church office hours (Monday-Thursday 9 am-5 pm). Click here for more information on this program.

Support our Local Food Shelves

Next time you go shopping, pick up something extra to donate to Interfaith Outreach and ICA. Most needed items:
  • Pull-Ups (size 3-4 & 4-5)
  • Baby wipes
  • Baby diapers (size 3)
  • Adult diapers (size XL & 2XL)
  • Boxed cereals
  • Canned chicken
  • Vegetable oil (24 oz. bottles)
  • Paper towels
  • Can openers
  • Reusable grocery bags (new)
  • Paper grocery bags

We are always collecting food shelf donations in the round marked bins just inside the front doors at Messiah – drop off on Sundays or during church office hours (Monday-Thursday 9 am-5 pm). OR drop off your donation directly at Interfaith Outreach (1605 County Road 101 N, Plymouth) during their donation hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 10 am-5 pm; or ICA Food Shelf (11588 K-Tel Dr, Minnetonka) during their donation hours: Mondays 10 am-6:30 pm, Tuesdays 10 am-3:30 pm, Wednesdays 9 am-3:30 pm, Thursdays 10 am-3:30 pm, Fridays 10 am-12 pm, and Saturdays 10 am-12 pm (1st & 3rd Saturdays only). For more information on the Interfaith Outreach food shelf, visit For more information on the ICA food shelf, visit

Calling all Knitters & Crocheters

Messiah’s Prayer Shawl Ministry is seeking knitters and crocheters to make handmade shawls that the Congregational Care Team will distribute to those they serve through prayer, care, visits, and compassionate support. Through a grant from Messiah’s Living Ministry Endowment, yarn has been purchased for these shawls. Patterns are available for both knitting and crocheting. If you are interested in learning more or getting started, please contact Heather Felt at

Little Free Libraries

Got books? Did you know there are Little Free Libraries in the parking lots at Messiah and Interfaith Outreach (1605 County Road 101 N, Plymouth)? The library at Interfaith Outreach is maintained by Messiah members Phil & Sue Zietlow, and they are especially in need of children’s books to add to that library! Children’s book donations (in good condition) can be dropped off in the marked location in the atrium at Messiah on Sundays or during church office hours (Monday-Thursday 9 am-5 pm), or email Sue Z to schedule a pick-up. We’ll be sure to get these books to the Little Free Libraries for local families to enjoy!

Volunteer at Interfaith Outreach

Interfaith Outreach is a valuable resource to our community, addressing critical needs of our neighbors. Volunteers are always needed at the food shelf and Resale Select store. Can you help? Current needs include:
  • Food Shelf Shopping Assistant
  • Resale Select Store Support: Shifts are open Monday-Saturday mornings, afternoons, and evenings
  • Resale Select Treasure Hunter: Shifts are open Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday mornings and afternoons
  • Donation Door Greeter: Shifts are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning and afternoons

If you are interested in any of these opportunities at Interfaith Outreach, visit to sign up online. Sign up for a New Volunteer Meeting to learn about all open volunteer opportunities. Interfaith Outreach is located at 1605 County Road 101 N, Plymouth. For more information on Interfaith Outreach, visit

Ways to Help Simpson Shelter

Can you help with some much-needed items for Simpson Shelter? Current urgent needs include:
  • Women’s bras – small sizes
  • Women’s briefs – sizes 10, 12, 13
  • Women’s white crew socks
  • Men’s t-shirts – sizes M, L, XXL, XXXL
  • Men’s boxers – sizes M
  • Men’s thermal socks
  • Lip balm
  • Personal-sized baby oil and Vaseline
  • Full-sized body wash and deodorant
  • Shaving cream
  • Menstrual pads
  • Diapers – sizes 3, 4, 5
  • Baby wipes
  • Nail care kits
  • Paper towels
  • Toilet paper
  • Laundry detergent

Simpson is currently accepting ONLY these specific items. Donations can be dropped off in the marked bin in the atrium at Messiah on Sundays or during church office hours (Monday-Thursday 9 am-5 pm), or email Lavinia P to schedule a pick-up. Lavinia can also answer questions about appropriate items to donate.

Simpson is also looking for groups to make sandwiches in their kitchen. (Food items must be made/assembled at their site and cannot be prepared off site.) Gather a group, or serve individually. To schedule, contact Aaron Ramos, Simpson Volunteer Engagement Manager, at

For more information on Simpson Shelter, visit Instructions for monetary donations, links for shopping their Amazon Wish List or Target Wish List, and a complete list of current urgent needs can all be found here.

Habitat for Humanity Work Days

Among the many ways to serve our local communities, Messiah Church supports Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (TCH4H). Opportunities exist in several ways but primarily in the construction of housing for eligible applicants. No special skills are required to participate on a build, just a willingness to serve! Messiah volunteers have been participating in a multiple structure project on Niskanen Circle in Chaska. If you would like to help with this build project, visit At this link, you can register as a new volunteer and sign up for upcoming serve dates that fit your schedule. (Volunteers must be 16 and up to serve on a build team.) If you have questions regarding TCH4H volunteering, contact Marv K. For more information about Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, visit

Decluttering? Donate to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore

Looking to donate large items (or a large quantity of items) but don’t have a vehicle big enough to transport them? Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity ReStore can come to you! All you have to do is request a pickup. For questions about this service, please contact Habitat for Humanity directly at (612) 588-3820 or visit Please do not drop off donations at Messiah. For more information about Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, visit

Serve at Messiah Church 

Every week, hundreds of people enter Messiah Church. You can be part of our servant volunteer teams who share God’s love. Here are just a few ministry areas where you might serve:
  • Sunday Worship - welcoming guests into worship, reading scripture, arranging flowers, or praying over and tidying the space between services
  • Communion Prep - these servants shop for bread and juice, prepare for communion (cube bread and fill cups), and clean up after the service, the first Sunday of each month. You can serve for just the 8:30 or 10:30 service, or prep for both. Training will be provided!
  • Sunday Hospitality - greeting guests, serving coffee, and ushering
  • Wednesday Hospitality - greet guests attending evening activities
  • Kids & Youth - build lasting relationships and nurture the faith of the next generation (background checks and references required)
  • Gardens & Grounds - no matter the time of year, lend your green thumb or handy skills toward decorating, maintaining, or organizing our grounds

For more information on any of these opportunities, contact Heather Felt, Director of Community Engagement.

Other Serving Opportunities

Looking for other opportunities to serve our neighbors? Check out the following organizations:

Missions Team

Bethany Nelson
Associate Pastor

Mary Beth Mazzocchi
Missions Co-Chair

Linda Seaton
Missions Co-Chair

Jess Baker

Kevin Bowman

Shirley Buehler

Lorie Hoekstra

Jon Kehberg

Pam Lundgren

Darcy Weldy

Questions about Missions at Messiah? Contact Linda Seaton, Missions Co-Chair.

Contact Linda